GAMA TPU冰盾隔熱外貼膜
GAMA TPU冰盾隔熱盾甲
TPU S6 冰盾隔熱盾甲
- 產品:GAMA冰盾超跑玻璃盾甲數據
- 產品型號: 冰盾 S6
- 整支規格: 1.22m x 30m
- 單車規格: 1.22m x 1.6m
- 產品材質:柔性耐候PET
- 產品施工: 四向收縮
- 產品厚度: 6MIL
- 塗層硬度: 7H
- 產品隔熱: 95%
- 產品透光: 75%
- 隔熱效果: 熱焦耳BTU從2197降到35.6
- 產品特色
- 衝擊防護:有效抵抗外力衝擊
- 視野清晰:炫光降低率高達5%
- 鍍膜效果:表面有鍍膜級撥水效果
- 提升耐用:抗斷裂強度100pounds/inch
Feature of Product:
Impact protection: Effective resistance to external impact
Clear vision: Glare reduction rate up to 5%
Coating effect: Coating-level water repellent effect on the surface improved
Durability: Breaking strength 100 Pounds/Inch
Wear-resistant Description:
Use 1cm small gravel to carry out a simulation test and fix the TPU on the glass vertically. At a distance of 40cm, use compressed air to impact. The impact mass is 100 grams and the diameter is 3.2 to 4.8mm.
Under the impact, under the protection of TPU glass There is almost no damage to the lower glass surface!
The TPU protective film of this product has undergone 10,000 round-trip tests under the mixed state of water and sand without serious scratches.
TPU S7 冰盾隔熱盾甲
- 產品:GAMA冰盾天窗隔熱外貼膜
- 產品材質:TPU材質
- 產品規格:1..52米*15米
- 產品顏色:淺藍/淺黑
- 產品厚度: 7MIL
- 產品性能:紅外線99 % 紫外線99% 透視率75%
- 產品功能:高隔熱 超強防爆 超強抗腐 超強抗黃變持久耐用 雙塗層 熱修復 增亮 抗污 抗寒
- 產品特色
- 衝擊防護:有效抵抗外力衝擊
- 視野清晰:炫光降低率高達5%
- 鍍膜效果:表面有鍍膜級撥水效果
- 提升耐用:抗斷裂強度100pounds/inch
- 耐磨說明:
- -)使用1cm小碎石進行模擬測試將冰盾貼在玻璃上並垂直固定,距離40cm的距離下使用壓縮空氣衝擊,衝擊質量為100公克、直徑為3.2至4.8mm的撞擊下,在玻璃冰盾的保護下玻璃表面幾乎毫無損傷!
- -)本產品冰盾保護膜經過水與沙的混合狀態下進行10000次的往返測試無嚴重刮痕現象.
- Feature of Product:
- TPU-S7:
- High abrasion and impact resistance Impact protection
- Cold resistance: withstand low temperature under -35℃
- High temperature resistance: withstand high temperature above 120 ℃
- Mechanical properties well: good bearing capacity and impact resistance
- Oil resistance, water resistance, special depending on the type of TPU
- Oxidation resistance well, super explosion-proof, super anti-corrosion, super anti-yellowing
- High workability: can be processed by common processing methods
- Wide range of hardness: increasing hardness still has good elasticity and toughness
- Wear-resistant Description:
- Use 1cm small gravel to carry out a simulation test and fix the TPU on the glass vertically. At a distance of 40cm, use compressed air to impact. The impact mass is 100 grams and the diameter is 3.2 to 4.8mm. Under the impact, under the protection of TPU glass There is almost no damage to the lower glass surface!
- The TPU protective film of this product has undergone 10,000 round-trip tests under the mixed state of water and sand without serious scratches.
- Thermal Effects: Thermal Joule BTU reduced from 2197 to 35.6